Organizers of RevolutionNow protest defy FG, mobilizes for mass action tomorrow

By David Olalekan.

The organizers of #RevolutionNow protest have vowed to carry on the planned demonstration scheduled for August 5, with or without their detained leader, Omoyele Sowore.

According to one of the organizers, Mr Kunle Ajayi, who’s the General Secretary, United Action for Democracy, the police has plenty to arrest tomorrow, as they aren’t deterred by Sowore’s arrest.

“#RevolutionNow: They think they can stop an idea whose time has come. You have plenty to arrest. We will show you all that our generation cannot continue with your state madness. We will hand over a better world to our children. The time to act is now!!!

“This arrest is not surprising to us. We know that the Presidency has tried everything in their powers to discredit and dampen our struggle”, Ajayi wrote on his Twitter page.

Ajayi, who had earlier spoken on behalf of the African Action Alliance (AAC) Lagos chapter, called on the Coalition for Revolution and other organizers to continue with the mobilization.

“The Lagos branch of the African Action Congress condemns Sowore’s arrest and (President Muhammadu) Buhari’s stubborn and cruel antidemocratic credentials.

“We believe that the #RevolutionNow will outlive all forces of repression, particularly the Buhari Presidency.

“We call on the Coalition for Revolution and other organisers to continue with the mobilisation. A failed government cannot use force to make the mass of people to accept its failure”, he said.

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