Offa Embraces Financial Autonomy as Stakeholders Unite Behind Landmark Supreme Court Decision

In a significant development, the Stakeholders’ Forum for Good Governance in Offa, Kwara State, has commended the Supreme Court’s landmark decision granting financial autonomy to all 774 local governments in Nigeria. Alh. Adekunle Ajeigbe, the forum’s coordinator and Aare Bobaselu of Offa, made the declaration at a stakeholders’ meeting held on Tuesday in Offa, applauding the move as a significant step towards strengthening local governance and promoting grassroots development.

Ajeigbe, a seasoned financial expert and former Managing Director of Union Bank of Cameroon, urged the stakeholders to rally behind a competent and visionary leader who can tap into Offa’s vast human resources and potential to restore the local government’s past glory. He emphasized the need for a candidate who is deeply passionate about the community’s well-being and who will ensure transparency and accountability in governance. Ajeigbe lamented that despite receiving over N9 billion in allocations between January 2019 and June 2024, Offa has little to show for it, highlighting the need for a leader who will prioritize effective resource management and development.

The stakeholders’ meeting, which brought together a diverse group of attendees including respected elders, political leaders, market women, youth representatives, artisans, business owners, and academics, demonstrated a united commitment to forging a new path forward for Offa’s growth and development. The participants enthusiastically endorsed the initiative, recognizing that the community’s prosperity hinges on taking bold and proactive measures to shape its future.

Following the meeting, some of the stakeholders expressed optimism that the Supreme Court’s ruling has paved the way for a new era of financial independence for Offa local government. They also noted that the endorsement of competent candidates by the stakeholders’ forum signals a commitment to responsible governance and sustainable development in the community, marking a significant step towards a brighter future for Offa.

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