Youth Group Slams KSDF for Abandoning Kwara South’s Needs for Political Gain

The Kwara South Youth Development Frontiers (KSYDF) has criticized the Kwara South Development Forum (KSDF) for prioritizing Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrasaq’s agenda over the needs of the Kwara South people.

The KSYDF, in a statement signed by its President, Comrade Kunle Anifowoshe, accused the KSDF of abandoning the region’s challenges and collective interests for pecuniary gains. They vowed to support only governorship candidates with a track record of service delivery and good governance.

The KSYDF also condemned the KSDF’s failure to address pressing issues in Kwara South, such as the abandoned KWASU Campus in Osi and the lack of government presence in the region. They accused the KSDF of being sponsored by the governor to promote Kwara North agenda and vowed to oppose their selfish interests.

Instead, they preferred an alliance with Kwara Central, citing past successful collaborations that led to the election of governors from the South. The KSYDF declared that they would not let the older generation sacrifice their future for political gains.


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