Abbo lands in fresh scandal after apologising for assaulting nursing mother

By Shola Abayomi.

Senator Elisha Ishaku Abbo, representing Adamawa North Senatorial District, has apologised for repeatedly assaulting a nursing mother, Bibra, at a sex toy shop.

Abbo, who wept during a media briefing in Abuja yesterday, apologised to mothers, Nigerians, the Peoples Democratic Party, the National Assembly, his family, the victim and her family, as well as everyone pained and embarrassed by his conduct.

He said, “I am not here to tell my own side of the story. It is with a deep sense of remorse and responsibility that I, Senator Ishaku Abbo (SlA), profoundly apologise to all Nigerians, the Senate, the Peoples Democratic Party, my family, friends as well as our mothers — the Nigerian women.

“I personally apologise to Bibra and her family for my action towards her, which has brought immense discomfort to our body polity.

“l have never been known or associated with such actions in the past. Regardless of what transpired prior to my expression of anger, I am sincerely sorry and plead that all men and women of good conscience should have the heart to forgive me. To err is human, to forgive is divine.

“To the Church of God everywhere in the world, I am sorry. As an ambassador of Christ, much is expected of me.

“Indeed, this episode has taught me a very great lesson both as a private citizen and a public officer, particularly as a senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria upon whom public confidence is bestowed.

“Finally, I assure Nigerians, especially the people of Adamawa North of my good conduct at all times.”

Shortly after his heartfelt apology, the senator seems to have landed in another assault scandal as a photojournalist, Olumuyiwa Owolabi accused him of assault and breach of agreement.

Owolabi revealed that the news of Senator Abbo’s act of violence wasn’t new to him, being a previous victim of the senator years back.

He said, “The viral video of Senator Elisha Abbo assaulting a young lady isn’t a new to me as I was one of his victims of assault years back.

“I met him during the campaign of former Governor Ayodele Fayose while I was the official photojournalist assigned to Fayose during the electioneering campaign and later head of photojournalists to his deputy after the election.”

Owolabi further disclosed that Abbo, who was aspiring for a senatorial position on the platform of the All Progressives Congress, APC, at that time, entered into a contract with him to cover his political activities at the cost of N2.8m.

The photojournalist explained that on August 13, 2014, he traveled with Abbo from Abuja to Yola, Adamawa State for weeks, campaigning for the primaries which they eventually lost to Senator Binta Garba.

“On approaching Senator Abbo to enforce the contract agreement we had, he refused to pay. He ignored several pleas for him to just give me part of my money.

“On the fateful day we wanted to travel together to Mubi for the last campaign, Boko Haram invaded the place prior to the day we ought to have travelled. Due to the attack by Boko Haram, I began to plead with him that I needed to leave the state.

“After several text messages and calls put through to him were ignored, I had no choice but to sit in front of his room where he was lodged at Dansoho Hotel, Yola. This was around 5pm.

“As soon as he came out, I began to plead with him that I had to go. The next thing he said was that I was embarrassing him. He started beating and slapping me. He told his orderly to put me inside the pickup truck. He told them to point their guns at me and that he would kill me and tell people I was a member of Boko Haram.

“When I heard that statement, I was shocked because I didn’t know anybody there and I couldn’t speak their language fluently. No one could come to my rescue when he brutalised me, causing me to sprain my ankle.

“I began begging him to just leave me and let me go that I would leave the money for him because of his action.

“He had damaged my phone I couldn’t contact anybody; he tore my clothes and I was virtually naked.

“That very night, on getting to Kaliwa police station, I begged the investigating police officer to please let me use his phone to talk to one of my relatives. That was how I called one of my brothers that pleaded with the IPO to assist me out of the situation.

“The DPO came the following morning and begged him (Abbo) to give me transport fare to go back to meet my family. Till date, he hasn’t paid me the money”, Owolabi lamented.

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