Abdulrazaq’s 100 days in office tainted by impunity, Kwara PDP says

By Ibraheem Solaudeen.

The Kwara State chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) on Friday, said Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq’s first 100 days in office has been tainted by all sorts of impunity and infractions, which according to the party, demonstrates his lack of vision and leadership capacity to lead the state.

The PDP, in a statement issued by its State Chairman, Hon. Kola Shittu, disclosed that the governor has had an embarrassingly poor start, as his campaign promises were still a figment of the Kwara people’s imagination.

The statement said, “Judging his performance by the indices of good governance and his campaign manifesto, Governor Abdulrazaq has had an embarrassingly poor start, as his promises remain largely unfulfilled, to the disappointment of the people of Kwara.

“Many of his promises including pledge to clear salary arrears owed local government and SUBEB staff, pay N18,000 minimum wage to workers in the State, reduce tuition fees at State-owned tertiary institutions, among other promises have all been broken. Quite unsurprisingly, his handlers have come out to shamelessly deny many of the promises he made during the campaigns.”

The statement added that contrary to the sham media hype of the governor’s activities, nothing tangible has been instituted to improve the fortunes of Kwarans.

The PDP alleged that Governor Abdulrazaq was more driven towards politics of bitterness and vindictiveness much more than the business of governance.

“Despite the media hype of the Abdulrazaq’s activities and brandishing of lies and deceits by his media team, a critical assessment of governance in the State, shows that nothing concrete has been done to better the lots of Kwarans in the last 100 days of his incompetent administration.

“He has instead reduced governance to pettiness and blame game. It is unfortunate that he even took his pettiness to an embarrassingly low level by directing that the State’s emblem be changed; an action that is of no essence to Kwara’s development.

“Rather than focus on the business of governance, Abdulrazaq and his party, the All Progressives Congress (APC), are more interested in politics of bitterness and vindictiveness.

“His first 100 days have witnessed all sort of impunity and infractions such as the unlawful suspension of elected local government chairmen and dissolution of duly constituted statutory commissions, victimisation of civil servants, among other illegalities, which have raised concern about his administration’s attitude to and respect for the rule of law”, the party stated.

On the efficiency of the State House of Assembly under the current administration, the PDP described the state legislative arm as toothless, inexperienced, and a potent tool for Governor Abdulrazaq’s persecution of opposition members in the state.

“Under Abdulrazaq’s 100 days in office, we have seen a toothless and largely inexperienced Assembly that has become this administration’s tool of persecuting opposition members and perceived political opponents.

“As Abdulrazaq marks his first 100 days in office, one thing is crystal clear; he lacks vision and the leadership capacity to lead Kwara. He has so far demonstrated that he is incompetent and unprepared for governance”, the PDP asserted.

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