APC Youths To Senator Goje: ‘Thank you for your patriotism’

By Shola Abayomi

The youth wing of the ruling APC, the All Progressives Youth Forum, has commended Senator Danjuma Goje for his decision to step down for Senator Ahmed Lawan, the preferred candidate of the party, in the race for the Senate Presidency.

In a statement issued in Abuja on Thursday and signed by the National Chairman of the Forum, Mr. Ife Adebayo, APYF said it commends “the exemplary and matured decision of Senator Danjuma Goje to back Senator Ahmed Lawan for the Senate Presidency position.”

While noting that the action of Senator Goje is a reflection of his commitment to the progress of Nigeria, the Forum requests other Senators-elect to emulate him and to “eschew politics and promote the much needed unity in the collective interest of Nigeria and Nigerians.”

Read the full statement below:

Press Release

6th June, 2019

APC Youth Forum Commends Senator Goje, praises his sense of patriotism

The All Progressives Youth Forum commends the exemplary and matured decision of Senator Danjuma Goje to back Senator Ahmed Lawan for the Senate Presidency position. The Forum notes that the action of Senator Goje depicts his unquantifiable commitment to the progress of the country, reason why it was easy for him to subsume his ambition to the larger interest of the party.

For the sake of unity and abiding desire for cohesiveness within the party and the government, Senator Goje made a sacrifice that would no doubt pass as a reference point and of course a lesson to all future politicians whose patriotic desire for the stability of our country is more dear to them than the attainment of a personal ambition. For this singular act, we commend Senator Goje and celebrate his principled passion for the betterment of Nigeria.

Having now increase the chances of our party-backed candidate to emerge the Senate President of the ninth Assembly, it is our prayer that majority of members, either APC or PDP, would see the need to eschew politics and promote the much needed unity in the collective interest of Nigeria and Nigerians.

It’s our hope that the sacrifice of Senator Goje would spur other members to also place the interest of the country above personal or group interest; and to use the opportunity provided by a new beginning which the ninth National assembly represents to advance the progress of Nigeria in line with the objectives of the current government under President Muhammadu Buhari.


Ife Adebayo
National Chairman,

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