FEATURED: Dear Governor Abdulrazaq, Shao — Malete road is a deathtrap

Your Excellency sir,

The good people of Kwara State have never been more harmonized and happy over the choice of leadership. Since you took the reins, you’ve shown us through concise leadership, and effective execution, how fit for the role you are.

We are grateful for all the amazing things you’ve done, especially infrastructure-wise, since the beginning of your administration. But sir, there is a life threatening matter that needs your urgent attention, it is about the Shao road that leads to Malete. If nothing is done, if left alone, if tagged unimportant, if seen as unnecessary, many lives are at risk, and so are many businesses, over the deplorable state of the road.


This road serves students and staff of KWASU, market men and women, civil servants, indigenes, but has also been serving accidents to the people who ply the route. Accidents happen on the Shao — Malete route, at least once a week, and we have been lucky, that these accidents have only been causing loss of properties, but not loss of life yet. But we do not have to wait until there is death, before we bring your attention to this disaster which has been leaping in numbers every week.

We are appealing to your kind heart, and calling your attention to this time bomb, as we believe in your capability to set effective machinery into motion, towards saving the lives that ply the route.

The Busamu bridge which links the Shao — Malete Road is not only in a deplorable state, but has been a prime cause of accidents on the road. While there are also similar level of life threatening potholes which have been ignored from the previous administration, allowing it to fester and create chaos, the bridge is begging for more urgency. The reckless driving of Soludero commuters on the road in the absence of speed limiters on those buses is also a threat to people who ply the route, especially smaller cars, who are always victims of intimidation and threat by the recklessness of Soludero drivers.

The people who ply the route, the people of the community, tax payers, business owners, farmers, are appealing to the State Government to help preserve our lives as we go to our different posts everyday, towards fulfilling our roles in the development of Kwara State.

We understand that there are lots of projects ongoing with different levels of urgency, but the repeated accidents with life threatening circumstances on this road carries great importance. We believe the Governor values the lives of all citizens, and that is why we are bringing this to your attention, as our little efforts to keep the road safe, have yielded very little.

We pray that Almighty Allah continues to guide the Governor towards the restructuring of the State, and towards making the best decisions for denizens of Kwara State. We pray that the Governor will be able to help us in Malete, before the little accidents we stomach weekly become burial ceremonies of our loved ones.

Thank you for giving us your attention. May God continue to guide and direct you.

Abideen Opeyemi OLASUPO is a Serial entrepreneur, Business Developer and Youth Development expert. He is the CEO and Co-Founder of Opab Gas(opabgas.com)- The first digital-mobile, result-driven, customer-focused domestic cooking Gas ordering platform in Nigeria with three branches serving remote communities and Malete inhabitant. They are focused on giving value and quality assurance of healthy gas usage.

He is reachable on +2347068775529 or abideenolasupo@gmail.com

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