IEDPU felicitates with Na’Allah on new appointment

By Ibraheem Solaudeen.

The Ilorin Emirate Descendants Progressive Union (IEDPU) has received with delight, the news of the appointment of outgoing Vice Chancellor of the Kwara State University, KWASU, Prof. AbdulRasheed Na’Allah as the new Vice Chancellor of the University of Abuja.

The Union, in a statement signed by its National Publicity Secretary, Abubakar Imam on behalf of the Ag. National President, Alhaji Yahaya Ahmed, stated that the appointment of Prof. Na’Allah to pilot the affairs of the federal university, confirms his versatility and resourcefulness as an internationally renowned scholar and an impeccable administrator.

The Union eulogized Prof. Na’Allah as a shinning ambassador of the intellectual finesse and administrative competence the people of Ilorin Emirate have been known for over the years.

“The choice of the consumate scholar to head the University of Abuja while rounding-off his schedule of duties at KWASU is a clear vindication of his selfless services to the state-owned varsity and scholarship in the last ten years; and a confirmation of the opinion of the Union on his tested and trusted capacity to lead and mobilise human and material resources for service delivery”, the statement read in part.

The Union prayed the almighty Allah to grant him all the wherewithal required to take the institution beyond the next level, reiterating its conviction that Prof. Na’Allah will do everything within his capacity to accelerate the achievement of the corporate objectives of the University.

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