Ilorin Durbar Committee Shifts Festival To Third Day Of Ileya

The 2024 Ilorin Emirate Durbar Festival has been moved to the third day of Ileya. The event was earlier slated for the second day of the Ileya festival at the Emir’s Palace, Ilorin. This was made known to pressmen in Ilorin by the Ilorin Emirate Durbar Committee Chairman, Engineer Suleiman Yahaya Alapansanpa. The Chairman, who also doubles as the Dan Mazani of Ilorin, said the change of date was to further put all necessary gear in motion to have a memorable and enjoyable 2024 Durbar celebrations.

The Chairman equally reveals that the 2024 Durbar celebration has received a massive boost with the partnership it got from one of the leading creative industries in West Africa, Kwara Sugar Film Factory.

“I am very pleased to let you know that this year’s celebration will be worldclass. The management of Kwara Sugar Film Factory, Ilorin Kwara State, has pledged partnership with the Ilorin Emirate Grand Durbar for the full coverage of the event. The factory will project the Ilorin Emirate Durbar positively and showcase the rich culture and economic benefits derivable, particularly to the international community. I believe that doing this will erase erroneous notion some people have about Kwara, Nigeria and Africa in general. ”

The Chairman reiterated that the durbar committee members had earlier paid homage to the Emir of Ilorin, Alhaji (Dr) Ibrahim Sulu-Gambari in his palace to receive royal blessings ahead of the commencement of the 2024 durbar activities. During the visit, the Emir expressed delight over the support the committee had gotten from sons and daughters of Ilorin Emirate, local, state governments, and the multinationals. He urged members of the committee to keep up the good work they were doing, assuring them of his support at all times.

Meanwhile, according to the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), the 2024 Ileya festival will be on the 16th of June. Therefore, the new date for the 2024 Ilorin Emirate Grand Durbar is June 18th.

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