Indian Muslim group offers to foot El-Zakzaky’s medical bills

By Shola Abayomi.

An Islamic group in India, Anjuman e-Haideri, has offered to take on the full medical expenses of the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, IMN, Ibrahim El-Zakzaky and his wife, Zeenat.

The embattled IMN leader and his wife are currently receiving treatment at the Medanta Hospital in New Delhi, the capital city of India.

The Indian-based Muslim group made its offering known through a letter signed by its General Secretary, Mr. Bahadur Naqvi.

The letter, dated August 12, 2019, and addressed to the Managing Director and Chief Surgeon of Medanta Hospital, Dr. Naresh Trehan, read: “Maulana Ibrahim Al-Zakzaky, who is a prominent Shi’a Muslim leader having a large following worldwide, will be treated in your hospital.

“The Executive Committee of Anjuman e-Haideri, Jor Bagh, New Delhi, by the direction of our Chief Patron, Maulana Kalbe Jawad Naqvi, has decided unanimously to bear all the medical costs incurred in India for his treatment. Kindly consider our request, do the needful and oblige.”

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