Insecurity: Monarch demands security votes for traditional rulers

By Balkis Tijani.

The monarch of Iwoland, Osun State, Oluwo Adbulrasheed Akanbi, has beckoned on the federal government to provide security votes for traditional rulers in the country, in order for them to be better empowered to tackle the alarming rate of insecurity plaguing almost every region in the nation.

Reiterating his thoughts to newsmen in Osogbo today, the influential monarch hinted that consequent upon the inadequacies of the police force, it has become imperative to collaborate with traditional rulers; owing to the fact that monarchs are closer to the grassroots and have first-hand intelligence gathering techniques in confronting criminals in their communities.

“The police saddled with this primary responsibility is underfunded and under staffed. Nigeria of over 200 million population is parading about 300,000 policemen.

“Traditional rulers should be empowered to domesticate security at the grassroots which constitutes higher percent of the hideouts for kidnappers.”

He further explained that the funding will be utilised to engage local security apparatus.

“Traditional institutions should be given security vote to engage local hunters, vigilante, the Agbekoyas, trusted local Odua Peoples Congress (OPC), among others. In my own capacity, I am trying my utmost best in my domain but the institution I represent deserves security funding to act more.

“I have personally arrested a criminal in my domain and handed him over to the police. I know the nooks and crannies of my city. No criminal can survive with illegality here. I have instilled the fear in them and this has decimated atrocities in Iwo. I am ready to do more if empowered by engaging trusted local security details.

In proffering solution to the high rate of crime and banditry in the country, the Oluwo stated that if more jobs were created, there would be sharp reduction in crime in the country.

“The root of every security threat is unemployment. Addressing this will halt the menace of criminality and clean our country of social vices.”

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