Prepare for very difficult and painful decisions, El-Rufai tells Kaduna people


By Umar Salam.

The Governor of Kaduna State, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai, gave a glimpse of what his administration would be like, after being sworn-in for a second term in Kaduna yesterday.

He warned that his government will make “very difficult and sometimes painful decisions” during its second term, and apologized to the people of the state in advance.

The governor said, “The challenges confronting us are numerous and they are hard. But if we do our job well, we will solve them with your help, support and prayers. We will continue to take very difficult and sometimes painful decisions. We ask your understanding and forgiveness in advance.

“With your support and prayers, we will not waver in supporting ordinary people to attain their aspirations. We will continue our tradition of cooperation with the other arms of government in the service of our people.”

Mallam El-Rufai called for harmonious coexistence in the state, stressing that development could not be achieved without peace.

“Ours is the government of everyone who lives in Kaduna State.

“I call on every resident of Kaduna State to join hands with us in the hard tasks that lie ahead. Back in March we all made our democratic choices, and freely expressed our preferences.

“Whatever our partisan affiliation and however we might have voted, we are all compatriots and fellow citizens”, he added.

He also extended the maternity period for women in the civil service from three to six months.

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