Remain steadfast to all lessons learned during Ramadan – Shagaya charges Muslims


By Ibraheem Soluadeen.

Chairman Salman Shagaya Foundation (SSF), Alhaji Sheriff Shagaya, has felicitated with Muslims on the conclusion of Ramadan, urging them to continually abide by the lessons and good acts learned during the Holy Month.

In a congratulatory note issued by the Foundation’s Spokesperson, Ibraheem Abdullateef, Alhaji Shagaya hailed Muslims all over the world on the auspicious occasion of this year’s Eidul- Fitri, admonishing the faithfuls to not forget the good virtues imbibed during the Holy Month by living by them now and ever.

He further emphasized on continual pursuit every day of our lives to be better morally and religiously, adding that there is no fixed moment for goodness.

On behalf of the Shagaya Foundation, he enjoined all humans in every facet of life to contribute their quota to the development of their immediate society.

Alhaji Shagaya buttressed the need for peace and stability in Nigeria and the world at large, while appealing to Nigerians to seize the grace of the Eidul- Fitri celebration to bless the nation to be peaceful and progressive.

He enjoined all faithfuls to profess love, extend support and equanimity to everyone around them as good ambassadors of Islam and Nigeria anywhere in the world.

Alhaji Sheriff Shagaya advocated for moderate celebration, as he cautioned against wild stunts and showoffs that could be harmful or prompt unwholesome incidents to oneself and others in the society.

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