Sharia Police impounds 111 bottles of beer, arrests commercial sex workers in Jigawa State

By Umar Salam.

The Hisbah Police Corps, a Sharia Law enforcement agency in Jigawa State, yesterday raided a popular joint in Kazaure Local Government Area of the state where it impounded 111 bottles of beer and arrested 21 suspects accused of committing immorality.

The Commander of the Hisbah Corps in the state, Ibrahim Dahiru, disclosed that 14 suspected commercial sex workers and seven men were arrested during the raid at the popular Gadar Kazaure joint.

Dahiru said that operatives of the command carried out the raid in the early hours of Monday at the popular Gadar Kazaure joint.

According to Dahiru, the suspects have been charged to Sharia Court in Kazaure.

He cautioned residents of the state to abstain from engaging in immorality and other social vices that poses a threat to society.

He said, “The Hisbah will continue to fight against immoral acts, including consumption of alcohol.

“People are also reminded that consumption of beer remains prohibited in all parts of the state,” he warned.”

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