Xenophobia: Halt patronage on SA businesses, port MTN Nos. to Glo, Nigerians react

By David Olalekan.

Sunday’s onslaught on Nigerian businesses in Johannesburg, appeared to have been the last straw for many Nigerians already irritated by recurring xenophobic attacks on foreigners in South Africa.

Reacting to the massive looting and burning of shops in the Jeppestown area of Johannesburg on Sunday, Nigerians took to their social media handles to voice their displeasure over the renewed attacks. Others demanded retribution.

INSIDER gathered some reactions. See below:

Mohammed Abdullahi: “Don’t just rant on social media, nag and complain. Do something in your own capacity.

“If you have accounts with any South African banks, close it down (a couple of friends have done that already).

“Stop patronising any South African businesses for the meantime (MTN, SHOPRITE, Dstv, Gotv) etc.

“In fact, if you have a South African girlfriend, jilt her. The singular reason for your action is that your brothers and sisters are being killed in their country, and that is a good enough reason. #DoSomething #EndXenophobia.

“Considering that Nigeria is a huge market for a large number of South African companies, a TRADE WAR will bring that country to its knees quicker than we imagine. We should just review our import policies and impose at least 25% tariffs on all South African goods, and at the same time place new duties on about 85 billion dollars target list of South African products. We then wait to see who blink first.”

Rashid Oniyangi: “Nigerians can start by porting our MTN numbers to Glo. We must respond decisively and with civility.

“FGN should send aircraft to South Africa to evacuate her citizens that wants to leave.”

Adeola Soetan: “Unending Season of Blood. Xenophobic abroad, Naijophobic at home, yet government is always on Top of the situation.

“Can’t government be Below the situation for once, may be something concrete can be done to stop this preventable orgy of violence?

“Even in a poultry, chickens don’t die this rampant way. Pls, be Below the situation, at least, for once.”

Lawal Olohungbebe: “What sort of covenant or treaty is between us and them that is more important than my brothers’ blood? This is barbaric!

“Unfortunately, back home, they have a disciplinarian father who doesn’t act fast. He needs more time to study the situation. So unfortunate!”

Adebayo Olasunkanmi Ogidan: “Xenophobic attacks is as a result of some intrinsic connection between Religion, economic and lack of self actualisation experienced by South Africans that can only be explained and solved following some extremely coordinated intergroup mediation between South Africans and Nigeria.

“But this continued inaction from Nigerian government is what can trigger already loaded guns if care is not taking. Nigerians have been patient enough.”

Comr. O segun O Oriji (3ple’O): “The fillers from SA as at today is terrifying and alarming. As a Nation we cannot timidly allow ourselves to become the butt of jokes all over the world. Nigerians should not be stereotype and kill out of envy, hate and indecency.

“Hirtherto, the Nigeria Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nigeria Embassy in South Africa, Nigeria Diaspora Commission should act before the head is cut off. Ipso facto, our responsive, respectable and pro active National Assembly should cut short their recess and Act.

“Sen David Mark, and Hon Tambuwal did same when the need arose during subsidy strike. And I’m sure the tireless Sen Ahmad Lawan and the indefatigable Hon Femi Gbajabiamila will not let the nation down. The world is watching our proactiveness, and Nigeria must lead and take her place again in history.

Olaleye Feyisola: “Nigerians work there. SA nationals have over 120 registered businesses here with thousands of Nigerian employees. Throwing the bath water away with the baby is not an option.”

Habeeb Tajudeen: “I know everything start and ends with leadership, so I understand you challenging your government to do something about the senseless attacks by the South Africa citizens.

“But come to think of it, what would the government do? Before you charge at me, I have seen a lot of suggestions here that you need no Jupiter to tell you they can’t work.

“Boycotting South African businesses as proposed can’t move an inch, the business is here and the effect is here not in South Africa, plus the majority of this businesses have Nigerians as its financial and not south Africans. So the effect of it is economic sabotage in an economy we are all saying is bad.

“A reprisal as I have seen many calling for isn’t a way out as well. How do you go about it? Hunt the South Africans here down? What signals are you sending to other investors? When they have no confidence in their safety and have the intent that any slight incident can trigger the threat to their lives, then the desert. It is natural. Overall, it will affect the country as well.

“If we want the government to take some of this decisive actions, we should ask ourselves, are Nigerians in South Africa ready to move down-home, for that’s the only way to have it effective and safe, otherwise, we will be aggravating the problem.

“I am just finding a way around it, if you are the president what would you have done differently apart from using the diplomatic tie for negotiation? #NoToXenophobicAttacks.”

Nuriat Dikko: “Dear South Africans, the whole Africa nation stood by you, condemned every single brutality meted on you during the apartheid days. South Africans were being killed on daily basis during the apartheid.

“The whole Africa clamored for the release of Nelson Mandela and the immediate independence. When the independence came and the release of Nelson Mandela, the joy n happiness in the African continent cannot be over emphasized.

“But we never knew south Africans could kill and destroy those that stood firmly for them when it was too rough for them to handle. That said, the SA government must act decisively, strongly and urgently against this violence and criminality. We are all weeping.

“It is so disheartening to see Africans hating on Africans. We can do better #LetLoveLead #SayNoToXenophobia #OneAfrica.”

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