‘Do the needful, go to court’ – Kwara ANRP Chairman dares party’s 2019 guber candidate

By Nimi Princewill.

As the war of words between the Kwara State chairman of the Abundant Nigeria Renewal Party (ANRP), Mr. Ade Alabi and the 2019 gubernatorial candidate of the party, Dr. Abdulmumin Yinka Ajia continues, the former has dared the latter to do the needful by approaching a court of law if he believes his character has been maligned in any way.

This was in response to a threat issued by Dr. Ajia, through his lawyer, Dr. Ahmed Isau of Earl Legal Services, to drag Alabi, the party’s chairman to court if he failed to retract what was termed “libelous remarks and statements” and offer a public apology within five working days.

The ANRP chairman, reacting to the September 6 letter from Dr. Ajia’s lawyer, however dared his party’s former flag bearer “to do the needful in the court of law”, saying he had merely volunteered his honest opinion regarding the “political activities and practices during the last election”.

“For the fact that you can only bury the truth but cannot keep it in the grave forever; I hereby reiterate here today that our gubernatorial candidate in the 2019 general election jumped to the ANRP, convinced in his mind that he had found a platform where the usual practices of political jobbing thrives until he met a tenacious resistance of such act”, Alabi insisted.

Going philosophical, the party chief said he believes that “conscience is an internal judge that examines and judges every man’s deed!”

Repeating the exact words the ‘cease and desist letter’ served on him by Ajia’s lawyer requested him to retract, Alabi insisted that his party, the ANRP, “is not a platform for pseudo, phony and opportunistic individuals which he (Dr. Ajia), by his dispositions and conducts while he was in our midst, is purely one of such characters.

“I admonish Ajia to be guided and not yield to any uncivil and ungodly counsel as we are set to abate politicians with all these satanic traits and send them out of jobs…..”

Read full statement below:

My attention has been drawn to a seemly appeared threat from our Gubernatorial Candidate in the 2019 general elections, demanding a retraction of “libelous remarks and statements” and I say, wonders shall never end!

Can any legal terms erase the truth at the temple of justice?

I recently granted an interview as the State Chairman of ANRP where I called the attention of Kwarans and Nigerians at large on the need to be watchful and determined to refuse Pseudo, Phony and Opportunist characters as the struggle for Freedom, Renewal and Renaissance of our long devastated and despondent State (Kwara) continues.

First, conscience is an internal judge that examines and judges every man’s deeds!

I have given my honest opinion regarding the political activities and practices during the last general elections.

For the fact that, *You can only bury the truth but you cannot keep it in the grave forever* ; I hereby reiterate here today that, our Gubernatorial Candidate in the 2019 general elections jumped to the ANRP convinced in his mind that he had found a platform where the usual practices of political jobbing thrives, until he met a tenacious resistance of such act.

I’m saying this without mincing words that, ANRP in Kwara state and in Nigeria at large is not a platform for Pseudo, Phony and Opportunist individuals, which he (Dr. Ajia), by his dispositions and conducts while he was in our midst, is purely one of such characters.

We are determined in ANRP with all the new initiatives and mechanisms put in place to end the old order of unethical and anti-masses practices in the land, and we will not compromise our stance.

I admonish Ajia to be guided and not yield to any uncivil and ungodly counsel as we are set to abate politicians with satanic traits and send them out of jobs to permanently end practices that birthed Nigeria abyss and in a commatose state of economy where dividends of democracy is absent in absolute terms.

We equally know beyond reasonable doubt that, such genuine course and ideology of ANRP will be resisted by perpetuators and unrepentant characters who take delight in keeping Kwarans and Nigerians stagnant in one position without smelling any aroma of progress and infrastructural development benefit for all.

Ajia Yinka Abdulmumin should know the legitimate thing to do if pained by the truth partly revealed in my last interview and should do the needful in the court of law as he keeps making empty noise which I personally see as another trick to make himself appealing to the true freedom fighters in our dear Kwara State and Nigerians at large, that he is of Progressive mind!

I make bold to say again that, manipulation, pretence is not the need of the moment if indeed we are ready for Freedom, Renewal and Renaissance of Kwara State.

I’m a man of conscience, principle and one who speaks with objectivity in calling a spade a spade when the need arises! I’m not given to propaganda and lies. I don’t beg for trust, I act to be trusted in all my leadership roles.

I advise Ajia to desist from looking for cheap relevance! Relevance is to be genuinely worked for.

One of his lies is that, I had a “MOTIVE.” I challenge him to be manly enough to declare in clear terms his acclaimed motive of mine either by my acts and conducts in steering the affairs of ANRP in Kwara State.

I am determined not to be distracted or lose focus in this Struggle for Freedom neither will I stop doing good even when some personalities are repaying evil for good deeds. And collectively, if all of us will genuinely rise up to Freedom, Renewal and Renaissance struggle of our dear Kwara State and Nigeria at large, I am convinced that there is glory ahead.

Kudos to all ever-determined and cooperating State Executives whose watching antennas are very strong and active to detect uncivil acts capable of truncating a good course and for upholding and keeping to the oath of office sworn to on 26th May 2018 under the platform of the egalitarian party, ANRP and to all faithful members for their belief in our leadership style in this Freedom, Renewal and Renaissance struggle. Kwara will be great again!

Long live ANRP!
Long live Kwara state
Long live Nigeria.

From the hand of
Ade Alabi,
ANRP State Chairman,
Kwara State.

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