Roll up your sleeves, work more, Ishowo Olanrewaju advises Abdulrazaq

By Balkis Tijani.

A public affairs analyst, Comrade Ishowo Olanrewaju has advised Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq of Kwara State to abhor complacency in his pursuit of fulfilling the campaign manifesto of his party.

In a letter titled, “The 100 days and days ahead”, Comrade Olanrewaju urged Governor Abdulrazaq to make an official statement on his salary package, in reaction to a statement credited to the Permanent Secretary of the State Ministry of Finance, who had reportedly mentioned that the governor was unresponsive to the request of the ministry in submitting his bank account for remuneration.

The public affairs analyst also advocated for youth inclusion in the governor’s cabinet list which is billed to be made public this week.

Read full texts of Olanrewaju’s letter to Governor Abdulrazaq:

Good morning Your Excellency Sir.

Your 100 days in office seems to change the old narrative especially from the immediate past administration. My untainted assessment confirmed you a mobile Governor with template as your manual guide to deliver goodies. All the best Sir.

I wish, hope and pray that your Excellency will do better because that is what matters to me as I strongly believe a new Kwara is possible under your drive. Don’t be a friend to complacency because it always beget stagnation and at this very period, you have not done anything going by the manifestoes of your party. Please roll up your sleeves and work more sir (Iseya).


I am tempted to say that your Excellency should make an official statement about your salary take home because the statement credited to the Perm. Sec. Ministry of Finance is not convincing. What is official must be official sir.

Sir, I want to make my unsolicited advice that your Excellency should shun pretence because your performance is above all this politicking and those fake manifestation is very needless. Your performance is enough to win people’s hearts not that controversial disposition. Apologies! Fayose did and Fayemi doesn’t yet an average rational entity will raise Fayemi’s hand above Fayose in terms of decorum, maturity and organization.

Sir, you can do better by disclosing to the general public how much our security votes is and how it is being spent. This is even far important than politics around your salary body language rejection brouhaha.

Importantly, hold your party members under a united umbrella because the struggle that produced you was collective and branded under a strong movement to the extent that even if it was a Ghanaian that contested against the other camp during the last general elections, he would have won like how your Excellency won with a clear margin.

Your Excellency Sir, my very eyes are up to see the best cabinet constitution this week as promised few days ago and make sure it is dominated with people of ideas cum sound ideological principle that will give you required initiatives to move our dear state forward. Note, youth inclusion is very paramount because they shouldered the struggle that produced you sir.

Lastly, I want you to see beyond the current KWHA members even if they are pushing their conceived vendetta to your Excellency, please, don’t give it a shot because their agenda sometimes may not tally with your vision. Avoid policies that may not benefit our very people in the state either now or in the nearest future.

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