FCT indigenes petition Senate over exclusion of locals in ministerial list

By Shola Abayomi.

Indigenes of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) have petitioned the Senate over noninclusion of FCT natives in the 43-man ministerial list of President Muhammadu Buhari.

The Senator representing FCT, Philip Aduda, presented the petition to the Senate today.

Recall that Senator Phillip had earlier raised concerns about the exclusion of FCT indigenes in the President’s cabinet list and was supported by Senator Dino Melaye of Kogi State, who quoted Sections 297 and 299 of the 1999 Constitution which stipulates that the FCT be accorded same treatment with the 36 states of the federation.

Similarly, some natives of the FCT, last Tuesday, protested over the exclusion, describing the President’s decision as provocative.

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