Flood wrecks hundreds of homes in Ilorin, landlords blame Geri Alimi under pass

By Ibraheem Solaudeen.

A three-hour rainfall has unleashed calamity on residents of Odota area in Ilorin, leaving hundreds of people homeless.

According to reports, the rainfall which started at 11pm on Monday night and tarried until 1am on Tuesday morning,
engulfed the homes of several residents in the area, destroying properties in the process.

Speaking on the cause of the flooding, the Chairman of the Landlords Association in the area, Alhaji Yahaya Olowo-Beki, who spoke with newsmen in Ilorin today, blamed the heavy impact of the flood on the recently commissioned Geri Alimi underpass.

Alhaji Olowo-Beki said flooding has been a regular occurrence in the area, owing to no drainage system at the underpass

He pleaded on the state government to provide drainage systems around the Geri Alimi underpass in order to prevent incessant flooding in the area.

In his reaction, the Permanent Secretary of the state Ministry of Environment, Alh. Al-Amin Amasa, dismissed the claim of the landlords, stressing that the flooding was not caused by the construction of the under pass but rather the failure of residents to create adequate water ways when constructing their homes.

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